Transpersonal or spiritually transformative experiences are types of non-ordinary states of consciousness or encounters with something beyond the materialist worldview and often deeply affect the experiencer through a shift in the sense of self, other, and the world. They are typically defined as an experience in which the sense of identity extends beyond the individual/personal and encompasses a wider context through a deep connection to humankind, life, psyche, cosmos, or higher being. These experiences can be spontaneous or occur as a result of a close brush with death, the loss of someone close, spiritual practices, or psychedelics. Transpersonal experiences include things like Near Death Experiences, Astral Projection, After-Death Communication, Clairvoyance, Mediumship, or Mystical Experiences. Often these experiences are reported to be some of the most profound events in the experiencer’s life.
Transpersonal and Spiritually Transformative Experiences
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Transpersonal Resource Websites
Ken Wilber
John Rowan
Stanislav Grof
Abraham Maslow (later work)
Bruce Greyson
Eli Jaxon-Bear