
Mysticism in its simplest form relates to union with the Infinite, the Absolute, or God — though it more traditionally relates to various experiential states such as ecstasy, pure consciousness events, unity consciousness, or divine rapture. It may also be described as the deep intuitive understanding of the realization of the meaning of existence. Mysticism is not related to any formal religious practice, but has a presence across various traditions including Hinduism (Yoga, Vedanta, Tantra), Buddhism (Mahayana Traditions), Islam (Sufism), Christianity (Christian Mysticism), Judaism (Kabbalah), Zoroastrianism, and other traditional religions. It also has a presence in folk religious and indigenous practices through Shamanism.

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Mysticism Resource Websites


  • Adyashanti (Zen Buddhism)

  • William James (Christianity)

  • Evelyn Underhill (General Mysticism)

  • St. Teresa of Ávila (Christianity)

  • Lao Tzu (Taoism)

  • The Cloud of Unknowing (anonymous 14th century monk — Christianity)

  • Richard Rohr (Catholicism)

  • Rumi (Islam)

  • Hafiz (Islam)

  • Patanjali (Hinduism)

  • Nagarjuna (Buddhism)

  • Paramahansa Yogananda (Hinduism)

  • Meister Eckhart (Cathologicsm)

  • Paul Ferrini (Christianity)

  • Dōgen (Buddhism)

  • José Luis Stevens (Shamanism)

  • For an extensive list click here: