Advaita Vedanta (Non-Duality)

Advaita Vedanta is arguably the oldest scholarly tradition in the orthodox Hindu school of Vedanta. Advaita (non-dualism) refers to the idea that Brahman (the Absolute Reality) alone is ultimately real, and the transient phenomenal world is an illusion (maya). In this tradition, moksa (Self-realization or liberation) is achieved through recognizing the illusoriness of the phenomenal world and misidentification from the mind-body and the concept of “doer-ship”. Self-realization in Advaita Vedanta is the recognition that the eternal Self is the same as Brahman (The Atman-Brahman), the highest Self-reality. For a more through understanding of Advaita Vedanta philosophy and practice, it is recommended to read the writings of the various philosophers below.

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Advaita Vedanta Informational Sites


  • Adi Śaṅkara

  • Ramana Maharshi

  • Nisargadatta Maharaj

  • Mooji

  • Swami Vivekenanda

  • Swami Muktananda

  • Paramahansa Yogananda

  • A. H. Almas

  • For a comprehensive list, please click here: